An ancient beauty secret and is used by women as a non-toxic way to minimize fine lines and wrinkles from the face. It reduces the signs of aging by renewing the glow of the skin and providing a youthful look to the face. Cosmetic acupuncture needles create stimulation to areas of facial tissue by increasing the circulation of blood flow and producing more collagen & elastin, allows the skin to be nourished, oxygenated, and moisturized from the inside out. It promises a more youthful appearance with no downtime, no anesthesia, no harmful chemicals or toxins injected and no going under the knife.
Reduces open pores and scar tissue
Reduces puffy eyes, face, throat and body
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Improves skin discolouration and moisture balance
Gives complexion a fresher glow due to increased circulation
Lifts and tones sagging muscles and skin - often referred to as a natural face lift
Improved sleep, relaxation and many more health benefits
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Fine needles are inserted into very precise and well defined points on the body. When an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin, the nervous system is stimulated and a signal is sent to the brain. The brain then sends back communications to harmonize and regulate the body in order to relieve pain, treat disease, and restore balance. We use the body's own signals and systems to promote healing, in what I like to call ancient biohacking.
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Using the same individually tailored diagnosis and treatment plan, herbal medicine is prescribed to support the work done during your acupuncture session. The extensive phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals in herbal formulas serve to nourish the body and regulate its systems. These products are truly a medicine and a licensed practitioner (such as myself) should be consulted before adding them to your daily regimen.
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For thousands of years, the Chinese have recognized that the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water exist in everything, everyone, and are essential for life. Classical Five-Element Acupuncture asserts that every human being is born with, or develops early in life, an imbalance in the natural functioning of these Five Elements. This imbalance becomes the root cause of illness of the body, mind, and spirit. This system is set apart from other systems of acupuncture by its fundamental premise of diagnosing and treating a patient's Causative Factor: his/her root imbalance. Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is a complete system of healing, providing patients with a substantive and effective means of regaining balance on all levels.
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A treatment method whereby Artemisia vulgaris (commonly known as mugwort) is burned on or near acupuncture points. This is known to warm underlying tissues and improve circulation.
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A flame is used to create a vacuum inside a glass cup. The cup is placed on the surface of the skin and the negative pressure creates a comfortable 'reverse massage' on the skin and underlying tissues. This is the procedure has been recently made famous by many athletes for injury recovery and sore muscles, as it improves circulation and decreases inflammation.
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